
Opening of registration for solidarity and environmental bibs

Registration for solidarity and environmental bibs

The purchase of a solidarity or environmental bib is an opportunity for runners to guarantee their registration for one of the Mont Blanc Marathon races (without drawing lots), while contributing to a solidarity and impact project.

  • Help Chamonix's young athletes carry out extraordinary projects!

Since 2016, the Club des Sports de Chamonix has been offering solidarity bibs to fund exceptional projects for children in sports sections.

In 2025, 170 solidarity race numbers (spread over the Duo Etoilé, 42km, 23km and 90km Mont-Blanc) are on sale ! The money raised will be divided between the Club des Sports sections whose projects have been selected.

  • Help preserve our environment!

Since the creation of the Cross du Mont-Blanc in 1979, the Club des Sports de Chamonix has been working to offer quality races while limiting their impact on the environment.

Today, more than ever, climate and environmental issues are at the heart of our concerns. Through the sale of environmental bibs, our aim is to participate in an ecological movement that goes beyond the framework of our event, and to have a positive impact on the planet.

In 2025, 40 environmental bibs will be on sale for the Duo Etoilé, 23km, 42km and 90km Mont-Blanc races. The funds raised through these donations will directly contribute to financing local environmental initiatives.

Registration for solidarity and environmental bibs