Ravito Buet

Join our volunteers!

750 volunteers, 70 heads of missions, 100 missions


Volunteer registration will open on January 27, 2025 via an online form.


Volunteers: without them, nothing is possible!

Whether they live in the Chamonix Valley or come from all over France, over 750 volunteers are mobilized every year to make the Mont-Blanc Marathon a success. A wide range of volunteer assignments are available, so you're sure to find one that suits you and your schedule!


The volunteer assignment process will follow the following schedule:

  • January 27 to May 23, 2025 : Opening of the volunteer registration platform
  • May 26, 2025: Assignment proposals sent to all volunteers (temporary schedules)
  • May 26 to June 1, 2025 : Volunteers may request changes to their assignments.
  • June 10, 2025 : Final assignments sent to all volunteers (definitive schedules)
  • June 16, 2025: General volunteers meeting, at the Majestic in Chamonix (7pm)
Bénévoles 2024
Remise dossards 2024
Fermeurs 2024
Ouvreurs VTT 2024
Ravitaillement Tour 2024
Podologues 2024

Volunteer missions

Hospitality and information

Ambassador for companions transport

To limit the number of cars circulating and parking in the valley, we are setting up buses and trains available for the runners companions, so that they can go to the fanzones and refreshment points to encourage their runners. As an ambassador, you'll be located at the bus and train stops, where you'll be able to inform the public about the bus timetables and drop-off points.

Race HQ reception - Chamonix Sports Club

Becoming the central point of the Marathon, the Club des Sports de Chamonix is transforming into the Race HQ during the entire event. Your role will be to welcome volunteers, partners, emergency services,.... who come at the HQ, to inform them and to provide their kit (t-shirt and cap), lunch, various equipment they need to carry out their mission (radios, first-aid kits, chasubles, etc.). A Club des Sports manager is always availble at Race HQ to provide support.

Information point on Place du Mont-Blanc

From Thursday to Saturday, the Place du Mont-Blanc will be transformed to host the Marathon Trail Camp, bringing together some 60 trail equipment suppliers. Located at the Trail Camp information stand, you will welcome and inform runners, their companions and the general public about the event program and other logistical details. You will be supervised by a member of the Chamonix Sports Club.



Bibs distribution

You'll take part in the distribution of race bibs to runners: you'll check their identity and compulsory equipment, and fit timing chips if there are any. To do this, you'll be using the Njuko application, which we'll show you before. A supervisor is always on hand to support you.

Bib preparation

A few days before the event, you'll be preparing and sorting race bibs, which will then be distributed to runners during the week of competition.


Testing refreshment stand

Located on the Place du Mont-Blanc, at the heart of the Trail Camp, the testing refreshment stand allows runners to taste drinks and food that will be distributed at the race refreshment stands. You'll provide information to runners and help setting up, supplying and cleaning the stand.

Refreshment points

Several refreshment points are set up for each race, at various locations along the course and at the finish. Some refreshment points are set up during the day, others during the evening and night. Depending on your time slot, you'll help setting up the refreshment area, distributing drinks and food to the runners, and cleaning up after the race. 


Course opener (biking)

As a mountain bike opener, your role is to guide runners through the first few kilometers of the course, making sure they get out of Chamonix town center safely and onto the right trails. To do this, you must be comfortable riding an electric mountain bike (your own or one provided by our team) and be familiar with the valley's trails. You ride a few meters ahead of the first riunners, to remain visible without getting in their way.

Path marker

With another volunteer, you will mark a portion of the path to indicate the route to runners. You will use different marker materials (supplied by us). For this mission, you must be familiar with the valley trails and be in good physical condition.

Path unmarker

With another volunteer, you will walk along a portion of the course to remove the sign markers runners have followed. To do this, you must be familiar with the valley trails and be in good physical condition.

Course closer

With another volunteer, you will wait at a checkpoint for the time barrier to be applied, then take on the role of "queue-binder" behind the last runners, to make sure they get to the next checkpoint safely. 

Moutain orienteering

Located at points along the path, where runners are likely to get lost despite the marking signs, you play the role of mountain guide to steer them in the right direction. For this mission, you must be familiar with the valley trails. Also, some points can only be reached by a short mountain walk. 

Course opener (by foot)

With another volunteer, a few hours before the runners' departure, you will walk along a portion of the path to check trail markings and condition. For this mission, you must be familiar with the valley trails and be in good physical condition.

Road security

To ensure the safe passage of runners along major roads, you will be responsible for signposting and traffic control.

Race control and monitoring

Time controller

Located at strategic points along the race path, you will be equipped with timing equipment to monitor and record runners' times. You are in contact with Race HQ and with the timing organization (LiveTrail). As most of the timing points are located at altitude, you must be familiar with the valley trails and be able to hike a little in the mountains.


Race commissioner

As a race commissioner, you'll be responsible for enforcing the rules during the races, and you'll randomly check runners' compulsory equipment. 


Couteaux suisses

You're part of the Mont-Blanc Marathon's "couteaux suisses" team: you live close to Chamonix, you can get around easily, you know the area well and you can be available at any time during the event to deal with unforeseen circumstances and emergencies (replacing an absent volunteer, providing logistical support, unforeseen needs...).

Runners bag management

For the VK and 23km, you gather bags from runners who wish to drop off belongings, and transport them to the finish point of their race, so that they can collect them on arrival. For this job, you must be in good physical condition and be able to carry loads.

Access filtering

At the start of races, you direct runners to their assigned start wave and make sure their companions have left the area when the race starts. At the finish line, you ensure an easy access to the finish line, filtering out companions and ensuring the spectators safety when runners cross. 

Material handling

As a member of the logistics team, you'll help setting up and dismantling various infrastructures and equipments at the race start and finish areas (Planpraz, Place du Triangle de l'Amitié or Aire des Parapentes). To do this, you must be in very good physical condition and able to carry heavy loads.


Ambassador for companions transport

To limit the number of cars circulating and parking in the valley, we are setting up buses and trains available for the runners companions, so that they can go to the fanzones and refreshment points to encourage their runners. As an ambassador, you'll be located at the bus and train stops, where you'll be able to inform the public about the bus timetables and drop-off points.

Carpark management

You'll work as a volunteer in one of the parking lots set up to accommodate runners' companions (Vallorcine, Le Tour, Le Buet, Emosson...). You regulate traffic, direct drivers and ensure that cars are properly parked to maximize the number of spaces available. You are also responsible for respecting neighbors and the surrounding environment.

Minibus or 4x4 drivers

You'll be part of the Mont-Blanc Marathon transport team. Depending on your experience, you'll drive a minibus or 4x4 to pick up runners who drop out during the race, transport some members of the organization (photographers, cameramen, first-aiders, volunteers, etc.) and groups of runners companions. For this mission, you must have your driver license, some experience driving minibus or 4x4, and know very well the valley's roads and trails. 

Medical and paramedical

Medical teams

As a doctor, nurse, first-aider or ambulance driver, you will join the Mont-Blanc Marathon's safety and rescue team, providing assistance to injured runners. You will be required to travel in the valley and at altitude, depending on the needs of each race.

Paramedical teams

As a physiotherapist, chiropodist or masseur, you'll join the Mont-Blanc Marathon paramedical team and provide care for runners who have injured themselves or are suffering from pain. You can provide your services at the Chamonix Sports Center, or you may be required to travel up the valley or to higher altitudes, depending on the needs of each race.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need special equipment?

This time of year is known for offering all possible weather conditions! So remember to bring the right equipment for your position.

  • For all volunteers: comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing, a backpack, a water bottle and/or thermos flask, a rain jacket, sunglasses, the Marathon cap and T-shirt, your charged cell phone that can be reached during your missions, and an external battery if necessary.
  • For positions on the race course (markers, openers, closers, orienteers and unmarkers): good walking/hiking shoes, a backpack big enough to carry the equipment we'll provide for your mission.
  • For night shifts: warm and waterproof clothing and a headlamp.
  • For refuge posts : a sleeping bag and toiletries.
Can volunteers have access to accommodation?

Unfortunately, the Mont-Blanc Marathon organization is unable to provide accommodation for volunteers.

Where can I find information about my volunteering?

You will be informed in May 2025 of the volunteer assignments that have been allocated to you.

You will then be able to find all the information concerning your volunteer assignments in your volunteer space on the Qoezion website. Information will also be sent to you regularly by e-mail , and Whatsapp groups will be set up by the head of missions.

Please note that your volunteer assignments may change up to the day of the event, as may the characteristics of the assignment (times, meeting place, etc.): please check your volunteer space regularly for any changes.


When can I know about my volunteer assignments?
  • Volunteer registrations will open on January 27, 2025 via an online form. As the Mont Blanc Marathon mobilizes more than 750 volunteers, we will then take the time to study each application in order to best respect your preferences while meeting the needs of our event.
  • Volunteer assignments will be sent out at the end of May / beginning of June 2025. However, please note that these assignments may change according to the needs of the event (new assignments, volunteer withdrawals, schedule changes, etc.). Please check your volunteer space regularly for updates.

Please note that we accept all volunteer applications, unless your availability does not correspond to any of our requirements. In this case, you will be notified as soon as possible.

Who can I contact if I have a question or problem?

You can contact us using the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Is a voluntary endowment provided?

As a volunteer, you will be offered a Mont-Blanc Marathon cap and T-shirt. These must be worn during your volunteer assignments.