Coureurs joyeux

Solidarity and environmental bibs

Registration opens on October 21, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

The purchase of a solidarity or environmental bib is an opportunity for runners to guarantee their registration for one of the Mont Blanc Marathon races (without drawing lots), while contributing to a solidarity and impact project.

Help Chamonix's young athletes carry out extraordinary projects!

Since 2016, the Club des Sports de Chamonix has been offering solidarity bibs to fund exceptional projects for children in sports sections.

In 2024, 140 solidarity race numbers (divided between the Duo Etoilé, 42km, 23km and 90km du Mont-Blanc) were offered for sale, raising €70,000 ! This sum was divided between 13 Club des Sports sections, whose projects were selected by a committee:

  • Climbing Introductory climbing course in a natural environment, at Buis les Baronnies
dossards solidaires

"Many thanks to the runners who bought a solidarity bib! Without you, the 19 young climbers from the climbing section of the Club des Sports de Chamonix would not have been able to make their incredible trip to Buis les Baronnies. 13 of the climbers, aged between 8 and 10, were traveling for the 1st time with the club outside the valley, and were discovering climbing in a natural environment. The other 6 were older teenagers, at the start of their journey towards a climbing diploma. The trip gave these teenagers their first experience of supervision, as they helped the climbing instructors to supervise the younger climbers. The trip also raised the group's awareness of the ecology of local cliffs and how to climb while respecting the local fauna."

  • Soccer: "Amfora Cup" international tournament in Umag, Croatia.
  • Golf : Participation in a "ProAm", enabling young amateurs to play alongside professionals.
  • Handball: Travel to Chambéry to watch matches and meet the players.
  • Fieldhockey: Immersion in professional field hockey in Germany and Slovakia.
  • Judo: Cohesion weekend in the Arve Valley.
  • Swimming: Aquatic course in Thonon-les-Bains.
  • Figure skating : End-of-season course in Narbonne.
  • Alpine skiing : Physical preparation course in Lloret de Mar, Spain, with Guillermo Fayed.
  • Cross-country skiing: Physical preparation course in Passodi Lavaze, Italy.
  • Snowboarding: Multi-slide cohesion course at Les Deux Alpes.
  • Tennis: Training course in Aix-en-Provence.
  • Mountain biking : Cohesion course in Digne-les-Bains.

Support medical research and patient care!

Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (Overcoming Lysosomal Diseases)

Since 2013, the Mont Blanc Marathon has joined forces with the association Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales, which is recognized as being of public utility, enabling people affected by one of the 53 lysosomal diseases to make their voices heard and pool investment in scientific and medical research.


VML's raison d'être is based on one ultimate goal: to cure people suffering from lysosomal diseases. The association has therefore set itself three missions for the benefit of the greatest number of people:

  • To advance research and improve access to care;
  • To provide certified and appropriate scientific and medical information;
  • Support and help families adapt to illness and disability.

In 2024, €26,000 were raised for Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales.

In 2025, the Mont-Blanc Marathon will once again offer 60 race numbers in aid of VML, divided between the Duo Etoilé, 10km, 23km, 42km and 90km Mont-Blanc races.

Trail Runners Against Muco

The Mont Blanc Marathon has joined forces with Trail Runners Against Muco in the fight against cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that mainly affects the respiratory and digestive systems.

Logo Trail Runner Against Muco

For over 20 years, the Chamonix-based association Trail Runners Against Muco has been taking on sporting challenges to raise funds for Vaincre la Mucovicidose, including participation in the Mont-Blanc Marathon races. Their motto: "Let's give breath to those who lack it, and together let's win life!"

By supporting Vaincre La Mucoviscidose, Trail Runners Against Muco contributes to the following objectives:

  • Raise funds to support medical and scientific research aimed at finding more effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for cystic fibrosis,
  • Improve patients' quality of life by offering them appropriate support, helping them to manage their disease on a day-to-day basis, and providing them with social and psychological support.
  • Raise awareness and inform the general public about the disease and its challenges.

In 2024, €19,000 was raised for Trail Runners Against Muco.

In 2025, the Mont-Blanc Marathon will once again offer 30 bibs for TRAMUCO, spread over the Duo Etoilé, 23 km, 42 km and 90 km of the Mont-Blanc.

Ultra Sports Science

The Mont Blanc Marathon has teamed up with Ultra Sports Science to support medical research into ultra-endurance sports.

Logo Ultra Sports Science

Created in 2015, Ultra Sports Science aims to:

  • Raise funds to set up international medical research,
  • Transmit the results of this research to athletes, scientists, doctors, organizers and sports federations,
  • Implement a health policy to prevent doping.

Thanks to the €14,500 raised in 2024 via the Mont Blanc Marathon solidarity bibs, Ultra Sports Science was able to carry out awareness-raising campaigns in various fields linked to ultra-sports, and produce a documentary on the prevention of exercise-induced hyperthermia(available here).

In 2025, the Mont-Blanc Marathon will once again offer 30 health bibs for the benefit of Ultra Sports Science, spread over the 90km, 42km and 23km.

Help preserve our environment!

Since the creation of the Cross du Mont-Blanc in 1979, the Club des Sports de Chamonix has been working to offer quality races while limiting their impact on the environment.

Today, more than ever, climate and environmental issues are at the heart of our concerns. Through the sale of environmental bibs, our aim is to participate in an ecological movement that goes beyond the framework of our event and have a positive impact on the planet.

In 2024, we offered 35 environmental bibs, spread across the Duo Etoilé, 23km, 42km and 90km Mont-Blanc races. The funds raised through these donations will directly contribute to financing local environmental initiatives.


The Club des Sports de Chamonix is a non-profit association created under the French Law of 1901. The association can provide proof of donation to lighten the tax burden. In France, the donor benefits from a tax deduction of 66% of the amount donated, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income.