
Volunteers: your missions are now available!

Volunteers, please check out the opportunities we are proposing you:


  • Log in to your volunteer account: enter your email address, then enter the verification code that will be sent to your mailbox.
Espace bénévole


  • The 2024 Mont-Blanc Marathon should appear in the events you have registered for. Click on “see details”
Espace bénévole


  • Then select “assignments”: the mission(s) you are assigned to will be displayed below. 
Espace bénévole



  • If the proposed missions suit you, there's nothing more to do! However, if you're not happy with the proposed assignments, you must contact Kelly, the volunteers coordinator, as soon as possible: kelly@chamonixsport.com. 

  • The definitive volunteer assignments will then be sent to you before June 8. You will also receive further information by email in the days leading up to the event. 



Please note in your diaries:
the volunteers' general meeting will take place on Wednesday June 12 at 6:30 pm, at the Majestic in Chamonix (presence is recommended but not compulsory).