Communiqué officiel

A new page is turned...

Une page se tourne
Logo Marathon du Mont-Blanc

In 2004, when the word trail was only known to a handful of insiders, Salomon became a partner of the Mont Blanc Marathon.

After 20 years of fruitful collaboration, the paths of the Marathon du Mont-Blanc and Salomon will separate in 2025.

Throughout these years of partnership, the challenges have been numerous and the projects ambitious, such as offering the first live coverage of a trail event in the world.

20 years during which we have worked with the Salomon teams to develop the sport, bringing together the world's best trail runners, while welcoming 10,000 passionate runners.

The Mont Blanc Marathon and Salomon teams can be proud of what they have built together.

Our warmest thanks go to Salomon, who have helped make the Marathon du Mont-Blanc a benchmark event in the world of trail running!

A new history is about to be written, with new projects that we will soon be unveiling.

Stay tuned...

The Mont Blanc Marathon team